In Georgia, I canvassed 400 voters on Friday and another 380 on Saturday on behalf of Donald J. Trump because I love our country.
That being said, our economy, national security, and American values are under seige.
Poor economic and foreign policies have stripped our country of its wealth and have made a mockery of the principles our Founding Fathers brought to the forefront of concern.
Freedom is only one generation away from extinction. If you are questioning your vote, think about if the current administration has truly helped you or your family in any of the aforementioned areas.
(Are you/your family better off financially than you were four years ago? How much money is left in your bank account after you obtain basic necessities such as groceries and gas? Are our borders safe? Do enemy nations and or terrorists fear us on the world stage, or do they perceive us as vulnerable?)
These issues matter to every American, in every state, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or creed.
God uses people to save nations. He did it with Joseph, Moses, and Joshua and can do it again with Donald J. Trump.
Dr. Nicole J. Wadsworth Alabama #Our67